Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Library


I've spent my fair share of time browsing, reading, and returning books at the library. This photo is dedicated to the after-hours return slots, which have saved me from many overdue fines.

Nothing makes you feel cool like cruising through on a bicycle.

Starting Out

I've been wanting to get more into photography for quite a while, but my old point-and-shoot camera (very old, very poor picture quality) didn't inspire me to take more pictures, and I wasn't quite sure enough of my interest to shell out the money for a nice DSLR.

Lo and behold, as I was lamenting this situation to my friend Chillylint, she said I could borrow a camera she wasn't using! However, she set one condition: that I start a photo-a-day blog. So here I am, with many thanks to her generosity.

I originally intended to use a picture of Chillylint herself as my inaugural photo, but poor lighting along with time constraints tonight didn't let that happen. (Translation: I was still trying to figure out how to use the camera, and took too long!) None of the pictures I tried to take even sort of came out. However, here's one Chilly liked and wanted me to post:


Yep. Impressively bad, no? (It was taken while riding with Chilly, and the motion, plus long exposure and various lights, are interesting.) To make up for it, here's one that I liked better:


I saw Mr. Pringles peeking out of the trashcan and decided the shot was both random and evocative. One of my coworkers apparently had no further use for him. (I normally try not to anthropomorphize cartoon mascots, but I couldn't resist this time.) I also got to try out the rule of thirds, which Chilly had just demonstrated for me.