My friend Courtney, trying on a hat. She's pretty awesome (with or without the hat). Also, photogenic.
Monday, November 29, 2010
As I was walking by this construction site I noticed that there was a light illuminating part of it, which isn't normally the case. This partially-complete wall (for a parking garage, I think) looked interesting. I need to wear warmer clothing the next time I take long exposures in 18-degree weather, though!
(It's hard to tell, unfortunately, but the curving black lines are rebar protruding from another, closer wall.)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
New Jacket
Michelle got a new jacket a few days ago and wanted some pictures; I, of course, love both helping and getting some practice shooting!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Vagrant Leaf
Leaves seem awfully eager to invade my workplace. We do try to keep the carpet clean...but it doesn't take long to get a pack of itinerants.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Guitar Head
I thought my roommate's guitar might make a fun subject with a suitable backdrop, and then I added bounced flash (I tried several different directions) to find the lighting I liked best. (The backdrop is a blurred-out, underexposed T-shirt, by the way.)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Scene of the Crime
I made sugar cookies with a friend tonight. Ominously. (Or did the photo turn out more surreal than ominous?)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Porch Arch
The arch over this house's front porch kind of jumped out at me as I was walking past today. Perhaps it was due to the strong geometry combined with the stark contrast between the porch's white and the siding's green.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Slightly Premature
I saw these Christmas trees lines up outside a supermarket today and was a little surprised. I can't imagine that they'll last very well all the way up until Christmas! I suppose some people will try anyway, though.
I have to admit, I took this photo mainly to play with one of the features of a new lens: image stabilization. I took the shot at 1/10s, f/2.8, and 17mm (26mm full-frame equivalent). Even with the somewhat-short focal length, there's no way I would've had a chance of getting something reasonably sharp at 1/10s without it. Finally, I was most of the way through importing the photo before I realized I also used an ISO of 1600, and didn't even do any noise reduction. The D200 does better at high ISO than I thought!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Dead Wood, Living Wood
I find that sometimes, going around behind businesses, cutting through parking lots, and going down alleys lets you see shots you wouldn't find otherwise. I liked the texture and color of this fence, but it needed something else to go with it.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sunset Tree
I'm curious what, exactly, these bud-like things are: it seems far too late for them to be actual buds of some type, or shriveled-up flowers.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Cannot Be Hid
I know I've done several building-at-night photos lately, but I simply couldn't pass on posting this one of the Provo temple, lit up at night. It's too beautiful!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Bronze Brigham
I like his gaze. The sculptor of this statue of Brigham Young (which stands in front of the old Brigham Young Academy building, now the Provo Library at Academy Square) did a good job.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Isn't She Lovely?
One of my gorgeous sisters patiently let me practice portraits on her. In the end, this one was my favorite. Thanks to her for being willing, for having good ideas for poses, and for being my sister!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
No Parking
I frequently walk by this sign, and today I realized I liked the combination of it and the (dying) vines growing up the side of the telephone pole it's attached to.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Technicolor Trees
I believe these are the same ornamental pear trees that I so detest in the springtime (because of their awful odor when in bloom). It looks like they're good for something after all!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I initially started on this dump truck because of its rather bright magenta tailgate, but decided to play with point of view as well. I was inspired by some photos I saw recently taken with wide-angle (and extreme wide-angle) lenses. I'll have to play with this concept more once I get a wider lens myself!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Bell Tower
I think I may be taking a lot more photos at night, now that daylight savings time has ended. This is the BYU bell tower lit up at night. It started sounding as I was getting set up, which was mildly startling at that short distance!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I took this photo about 12 minutes before an event in the Marriott Center; I assume that a large portion of the traffic was either people going to the Marriott, or heading home to watch from there.
Side note: a girl crossed the street in front of the camera while I had the shutter open, but (as I'd expected), she didn't show up at all, due to the low light levels (and long exposure of 91 seconds).
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Hazel Plays the Piano
This evening Hazel briefly had fun with the higher octaves of the piano. She seemed to have considerably more fun saying "Tickle, tickle, tickle!" as she ran at people and tickled them. (Alas, it is hard to take pictures while being tickled, especially by someone as cute as Hazel.)
Friday, November 5, 2010
This is a trench that was dug to lay electrical lines for a large apartment complex that's in the early stages of being built. Apparently the conduit gets covered by (or encased in) concrete before the rest of the trench gets filled in. (The bright orange blur in the foreground is plastic mesh warning people away from the trench.)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Candid Duck
This was taken by the botany pond. Those ducks are too easy to shoot, given how tame they are, but I didn't have any photos of them yet.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
This bronze statuette of Martha Hughes Cannon stands on Center Street, a block or two west of University Avenue; Cannon was the first woman elected as state senator in the United States.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Y Mountain
The last thing I needed for tripod shooting (the legs) arrived today, so of course I had to go try out some long exposures. I found a fairly dark spot and took several shots of Y Mountain just to see what I could get. I definitely have some work to do before I can get sharper images (and ones that have the proper exposure), but I was still pleased with this one.
I didn't expect the stars to streak that much in just six minutes.