Saturday, March 12, 2011

Black Widow (not for arachnophobes)

Black Widow

I found this black widow spider in my laundry room. Fun, fun. The management will be getting this photo...


  1. Nothing like photographic evidence!!

    I'm glad you updated your blog again! :)

  2. Haha, yeah. I don't actually know if there's a whole lot they can/should do about it; after all, black widows don't usually invade homes, as far as I know (they like being in less-frequented places, right?). But they probably will want to know about this.

    And I'm glad I am too!

  3. Holy cow. That makes me nervous, and I shall be careful in my laundry room also.

    And I found a black widow in a Provo apartment about a year ago, although it was pretty close to the door.

  4. What the?? WHY???

    The is reaaaalllly creepy!

  5. Michelle, thanks for the heads-up. And Chilly, because my other option was a photo of socks. This was much better, though admittedly creepy. :)
